Blog for Business, Health and Happiness With Blog Trainer UK

World Of Quirky Owner and Founder Sandra Bellamy
Hi, it’s Sandra, otherwise known as Blog Trainer UK.Thanks so much for stopping by my website.
I train people how to start a blog for Business, Health and Happiness.
Learn how to blog for Business, Health and Happiness, with a one day Masterclass.
Blog for Health and Happiness Workshop
Blog your way to health and happiness with this intense and fun, one day workshop.
Whatever your passion; whether it’s photography, writing, cooking, travelling, inspiring, designing, or something else, blogging lets you express that passion and get carried away with it.
The more you talk about what you like, enjoy, and are passionate about, the happier you will feel and become.
Through blogging, you can connect with like-minded people who share your hobbies, your ideals, your interests and your passions. You can attract a following, get mutual support, and gain a fresh perspective on almost anything.
The social interaction you get from liking and commenting on other bloggers posts, will make you feel fantastic.
Having a community of different bloggers with a variety of backgrounds and experiences, means your life will be enriched by diversity. Your thinking will be challenged. You will learn more about different cultures, be better informed and more worldly. You will always have someone else to talk to.
When you do what you love and love what you do, there is no stopping you. You can’t help but feel happy and good.
What are YOU waiting for – Enrol on this workshop NOW!
For more details visit
Blog for Business Fast Track Masterclass
If you want to connect with your clients and customers in a more personal way; to build trust, better understand their needs and get their direct feedback, then blogging for business, is for you.
When blogging for business with WordPress, you can either create a blog for free, with an option to upgrade to a premium theme. Or you can create a self-hosted website, using a theme that incorporates a blog. I use both and will always continue to do so. My best results come from my blogs, and that is why I teach you how to build a blog from scratch, using that platform.
In the Fast Track Blog Training for Business Workshop that I teach, you will learn how to start a blog using a free template. You will need a valid email address, be able to type, and need to know how to browse the web. You do not need any prior knowledge of WordPress to complete the Masterclass.
When you create a blog. You can create pages about you, your business, your staff and all manner of things related to your business. You can create a page about your products and services; with details of how to contact you, and links to other sites that you sell your products or services from.
Besides creating permanent pages on your site, you can create posts. The most popular style of post for a business, takes the form of an article, often in a ‘how-to’ or ‘things you need to know’ format. These type of posts allow you to showcase your skills and expertise, so you can become the go-to specialist in your field.
Whether you are just starting out, or full steam ahead with your business, blogging can give you a distinct competitive advantage. In order to buy into your products and services, potential consumers more often than not, need to buy into you as a person. Blogging allows you to build a personal rapport and gives you a human touch, that a website on its own, cannot do. Through blogging, you can talk directly with potential customers and clients. You can follow like-minded people and have the opportunity to forge strong business relationships with those who may either buy from you, partner with you, or help you.
Attend one of my Blog Training for Business Masterclasses and blog your way to business success and happiness.
Get your business off to a flying start by connecting with your clients on a more personal and intimate level through blogging.
Blogging one-to-one
I also teach Blogging, Facebook and Twitter, for Business or Health and Happiness, on a one-to-one basis for a minimum of 2 hours.
If you live in the UK, phone me – Sandra Bellamy, on 01392 434202 or 07932 768970 for a free 20 minute consultation. If you live abroad, email, tweet or message me via Facebook, and your consultation can be arranged by Skype or other.
For more information visit