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Recent Posts: beatredundancyblues
Lost Your Job And Your Identity? How To Be Who You’re Meant To Be!
Are you feeling lost and like you don’t know who you are anymore? If so, this post is for you. When you lose your job, you often feel like you’ve lost your identity and you’re no longer connected to yourself or understanding who you are. This is particularly true if your identity was tied to […]
How To Ace Your Life – Diary Confessions 78 Life Lessons To ACE Your Life Book
Have you ever wondered what the secrets are, to truly ACE your life? If you answered yes, I have the perfect book for you. Quirky Books International Bestseller and #1 Hot New Releases – Diary Confessions of A Hyper-romantic Asexual – 78 Life Lessons To ACE Your Life Have you ever had a vision that […]
How To Go From Author To Speaker – FREE Event
Join Wendy Corner Author, Speaker and Host of Podcast #FromPage2Stage, me (Sandra Bellamy) and other experts, for the #FromPage2Stage Podcast Launch Party! Are you ready to witness the extraordinary transformation of powerful ideas from their written origins to their verbal crescendo? We are incredibly excited to invite you to the Launch Party of our brand-new […]
How To Go From Self-loathing To Self-Loving – Sandra Bellamy Empowerography Interview
Ever hated yourself or your life? I did… 😭 This was the moment that everything changed for me… 😍 My interview with Brad Walsh on Empowerography podcast ❤️ In this video I explain exactly what shifts I made to my mindset to go from self-loathing to self-loving, so you can do the same. Remember: And […]
Home Articles posted by Sandra Bellamy
Author: Sandra Bellamy
World Of Quirky is the company of Quirky Writer, Quirky Trainer, Quirky Mentor, Quirky Coach and Redundancy Breakthrough and Employment Success Specialist; Sandra Bellamy, aka quirky books. Who is also Blog Trainer UK.
A rather larger than life character, Sandra Bellamy prides herself on being 'not normal', but quirky in every aspect of her life. She developed an Embrace Your Quirky philosophy, to overcome and free herself from depression, over three years ago, without medication.
Embrace Your Quirky, is about embracing YOUR authentic self, in your life and business, to live a Happy, Successful and Fulifilling Existence!
Sandra Bellamy's World Of Quirky company, provides you with Quirky solutions, services and products, for your personal and professional development needs.
Sandra had a life changing moment, when she was made redundant for the second time in her career, in 2009.
"At first I felt bewildered and lost, I just didn't know what I was going to do. I was good at my job and it was during one of the worst of economic climates for finding work. After a couple of weeks, when the initial grief had passed, I began to think of what I disliked about the job; the eleven hour shifts; the waiting forty minutes to get a train home - I wouldn't miss those. I reflected, took stock of my life, and discovered what I was born to do. That was to write and help others. I now do both of these. "
Sandra has worked in retail for seventeen years. Seven of those were in management roles, that included recruiting staff. It is from having both a recruitment and job seeking perspective, that Sandra is best placed to help others who are redundant to get back into work. She has http://www.beatredundancyblues.com and http:///www.beatredundancyblues.co.uk, to help her to do just that. They are one stop resources for redundant workers and job seekers, with access to job, recruitment and course sites, from within the one site. It's time to motivate and rejuvenate back into work!
World Of Quirky is underpinned by Sandra Bellamy’s Embrace Your Quirky Philosophy